Wednesday 18 June 2008

The future's heading for Orangeville

The GMB Nottingham Panthers are sending three young players to Canada for intensive summer training. Two more can’t make the trip but will be on personal training programmes here in the UK.

The club is sponsoring Robert Lachowicz and Sam Bullas along with another promising teenager Tom Norton who will be flying to Orangeville where coach Corey Neilson has run a successful hockey camp for ten years.

James Neil and Joe Graham have family commitments and can’t make the trip but coach Neilson has devised training routines for them.

At the camp in Canada it will be ice hockey 24/7.

Said Corey Neilson today : “The youngsters will be training with us and they will also go to some try-outs with local teams so that they can compare themselves with other players.
“It will be hockey all the way – and in a party-free environment.
“There will be personal training when they will all be analysed and any holes or weaknesses in their game will be worked on and hopefully eliminated.
“When I was their age I was a man, in terms of size and stature, therefore physical development will be crucial.
“I’m very excited by the prospects of these boys going back home and having that extra edge when it comes to Panthers’ training camp.”
Often young players trying to break in to the senior ranks have to make do with an odd shift at the end of a game that has already been cracked open one way or the other but the GMB Panthers coach is hoping to break the trend and use his young players more often:
“I don’t want a fourth line of kids coming on late in the game when it is either won or lost. That helps no one. I want them to make a contribution throughout the game and this training camp should help them, and help me, to achieve that.”

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